
We are authorized representatives of world-renowned brands.

We are providers of pumps, valves and services to the end.

German company founded in 1871, dedicated to the manufacture of pumps, valves and related services.

Global quality certificates: ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 / ISO 45001
Local quality certificates: PED / ASME-N / ASME-NS / ASME- NPT / KTA / SCC

North American company founded in 1969, dedicated to the manufacture of submersible and vertical turbine-type pumps.

Quality certificates: NSF / ANSI / CAN61 & NFS / ANSI 372 / ISO 9001


Other brands we work with:

American company dedicated to the manufacture of electric motors, motor controls and gear reducers.

Italian company founded in 1951, dedicated to the manufacture of pumps and valves.

Italian company founded in 1987 dedicated to the production of valves and solutions for pressure control.

Quality certificates: ISO 9001

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